Magazine front cover - Learner response

1) Add your finished magazine cover as a JPEG image.

2) Type up your feedback from your teacher. If you've received this by email, you can copy and paste it across - WWW and EBIs. You don't need to include a mark or grade if you don't want to.

Mark out of 15 for Media Language: 14

Estimated A Level coursework grade: A / A*

WWW: This is top level production work – as your evaluation demonstrates, very close to professional standards and difficult to differentiate from the real thing. If your original production work is of this standard next year (likely to be a music magazine) then you will undoubtedly be looking at a top grade. In particular, the way you have constructed your image captures the look and feel of ID magazine impressively. The single word ‘Create’ also is entirely in keeping with the style and structure of the real magazine. 

EBI: I have given it 14/15 rather than full marks as I agree with your slight criticism in the evaluation regarding lighting. The image perhaps lacks a little depth which lighting could provide (shadow or texture) but this is being very picky! The key aspect next year will be to capture the conventions, genre and style of the music magazine brief when we have it.  

3) Consider your mark against the mark scheme above. What are the strengths of your production based on the the mark scheme? Think about magazine cover conventions and the media language techniques you have used to communicate with your audience (e.g. mise-en-scene, camera shot etc.)

- Camera shot: Close up shot with direct address
- Mise-en-scene: One eye covered according to i-D magazine conventions

4) Look at the mark scheme again. What can you do to move your mark higher and, if required, move up a level?

Focus on lighting.

5) What would be one piece of advice you would give a student about to start the same magazine cover project you have just completed?

Focus on typography and the mise-en-scene of the cover photo carefully as a combination of both of them is what sets the tone of the cover. 


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