Audience theory 1: Blog tasks
Hypodermic needle model
1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?This article discusses how playing violent videogames consistently over the course of 3 days seemed to have a negative effect on participants in a study, making them more likely to see situations as hostile. This links to the hypodermic needle model because of how it is suggested that violent videogames, especially shooter games, seem to inject aggression into players.
2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page?

3) What do you think of the hypodermic needle theory? Do audiences believe everything they see in the media?
I believe that although the hypodermic needle theory could be useful to understand some cases of media consumption, such as misinformation, its basic assumption that all audiences wholly accept and believe the meanings in every media is wrong and too simplistic.
The two-step flow model suggests that there are two steps in how audiences interpret media, where an opinion leader will interpret the message and deliver that interpretation to an audience that trusts them.
2) How do influencers like Zendaya fit into the two-step flow model?
Influencers are essentially opinion leaders as they have control of mass audiences that consume their interpretations of mass media.
3) In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?
I believe that although the hypodermic needle theory could be useful to understand some cases of media consumption, such as misinformation, its basic assumption that all audiences wholly accept and believe the meanings in every media is wrong and too simplistic.
Two-step flow model
1) Summarise the two-step flow model. What is an opinion leader?The two-step flow model suggests that there are two steps in how audiences interpret media, where an opinion leader will interpret the message and deliver that interpretation to an audience that trusts them.
2) How do influencers like Zendaya fit into the two-step flow model?
Influencers are essentially opinion leaders as they have control of mass audiences that consume their interpretations of mass media.
3) In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?
The two-step flow theory has become increasingly relevant in our digital age where the ability to become an opinion leader has grown exponentially.
Diversion: Film - Blinded By The Light. Entertaining and offering escapism for fans of Bruce Springsteen or anyone that enjoys coming of age films or culture-clash comedies.
Uses and Gratifications theory
1) For each of the four categories, write about one media text (e.g. film, TV programme, newspaper etc.) that fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Make sure you explain WHY it fits the category and use images or clips to illustrate your points. The first one is done for you.Diversion: Film - Blinded By The Light. Entertaining and offering escapism for fans of Bruce Springsteen or anyone that enjoys coming of age films or culture-clash comedies.
Personal Relationships: TV - The Good Place. A comedic sitcom where the audience is encouraged to develop sympathy and affection for the characters' problems and personal growth.
Personal Identity: TV - Ackley Bridge. Offers audiences an ability to relate to the show and its characters both by being a school drama and being about a South Asian immigrant community.
Surveillance: Newspaper - The Telegraph. Allows audiences to keep track of current events.
Dependency theory
1) Do you agree that audiences have become dependent on the media? What evidence or examples can you provide to support your view?Audiences have become dependent on the media both for information about the world, for example news outlets, and for escapism, for example film and TV.
2) How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media? Is this a new problem?
The rise of social media and the advancements in digital technology such as the development of mobile phones mean that more people on a large scale are becoming dependent on the media for more uses than stated in Blumler and Katz's theory as many people also depend on social media for connection with other people, whether that means staying in contact with friends and family or hearing viewpoints from the other side of the world. This is also fuelled by the intentionally addictive nature of social media, which increases a person's chemical dependency on media consumption. All of these factors combined with an increasing level of distrust in mainstream media outlets and the growth of streaming services mean that there is an increase in people's dependency on the media, just a different type of media.
3) Reflecting on your own media use, how does your media consumption impact on your emotions? Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on your health and wellbeing? Why?
2) How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media? Is this a new problem?
The rise of social media and the advancements in digital technology such as the development of mobile phones mean that more people on a large scale are becoming dependent on the media for more uses than stated in Blumler and Katz's theory as many people also depend on social media for connection with other people, whether that means staying in contact with friends and family or hearing viewpoints from the other side of the world. This is also fuelled by the intentionally addictive nature of social media, which increases a person's chemical dependency on media consumption. All of these factors combined with an increasing level of distrust in mainstream media outlets and the growth of streaming services mean that there is an increase in people's dependency on the media, just a different type of media.
3) Reflecting on your own media use, how does your media consumption impact on your emotions? Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on your health and wellbeing? Why?
Depending on what type of media I consume, it can have either a positive or negative impact.
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